15 No Chocolate Easter Gift Ideas For Kids
Chocolate is often the first choice of gift at Easter. Mountains of Easter eggs to get through, which isn’t what we want for our kids I’m sure. And for those kids that have allergies and can’t have normal chocolate for whatever reason.
So I have compiled a list of alternative Easter gifts you can give to babies, toddlers and older children that DO NOT include chocolate. If you want to give chocolate as well then that’s great but if they can’t have chocolate how about one of these alternatives.
Soft toys
Teddies, a cuddly sheep, it doesn’t have to be big but something they can play with. Soft teddy bear or bunny rabbits are readily available near Easter. Their favourite animal teddy can be just as good.
New outfit
A special outfit they can wear over Easter. It doesn’t have to be Easter themed although they can look really cute. Take lots of photos and you can look back on those memories later.
Kids can have hours of fun with balloons. Put a helium balloon near a baby and they will pull on the string to make it bob up and down. Hear them giggle with excitement. Toddlers love balloons too, kicking them, throwing them in the air. Use stickers or draw on them to turn them into characters.
Baby bundles
A comforter, teething ring or dribble bib can make a lovely gift for a younger baby that has just been born. And also for those that are celebrating baby’s first Easter. It doesn’t always have to be Easter themed, it is a popular choice at this time of year. Have a look at some items you can include in your bundle.
Baby books, toddler books, activity books or even colouring books. Older kids can read themselves or have fun times and read to them. Bundle them with a new set of pens, pencils and crayons to make the most of the gift.
Let them grow something in a pot. Could be a sunflower, cress heads or vegetables. Then spend hours watching them learn how things grow.
The Little Foodies Club do a kit that you can gift that is both educational and fun around learning about fruit and veg. With fun activities to do.
Days out
Take them on special days out. You can buy or get creative and make a voucher for the occasion if you want to give them a physical part of the gift. Special days out with the kids can create some amazing memories and much loved family time.
Printable tickets
In previous years you would have filled empty plastic eggs with treats. More eco-friendly options are appearing to fill instead. Instead of sweet treats, how about printable tickets to go inside with different treats, physical treats or experiences written on them. Some ideas of tickets can be found on momenvy.co
Vouchers for a mini photo shoot
Get the family together and create some lasting memories. It doesn’t have to be an expensive photo shoot. Look around for local photographers that off services in your budget.
Craft supplies & stickers
Kids can have fun making cool things. Save some cereal boxes to go with the supplies and they will be happy.
Mini Lego figures or hot wheels cars
So many mini characters to choose from, choose one of their favourite characters and see if they have blind bags or mini action figures you can give.
New water bottle
Not just any bottle but a personalised one. So there’s no confusing over who the water bottle belongs to.
Garden tool set
Toddlers love to help out in the garden when it’s warmer. Giving them a garden set at Easter when the weather is warming up, gets them excited for the seasons ahead. They can then learn more about the gardening and flowers that grow.